Monday, January 9, 2012

Bold, Simple, Daring, and Flawless.

Cylburn Arboretum's First Photo Walkers Exhibition.

Back in June 2011 I began leading the Cylburn Photo Walks, with absolutely no idea of what to expect. I had never lead a photo walk before, nor attended anything resembling one. My photography is a very intimate encounter, with nature, with places, with the mood of the day. It's, as that commercial of recent, "me time." So how in the World could I lead something I wouldn't even consider for myself? My participants answered that. By listening to what I had to say, by putting into practice the brought out concepts, by being there. Though it is true that most participants did not return after the first Walk, a group of wonderful and highly talented individuals endured and made me believe that, after all, there was a value in sharing the photographic process.

We opened a Flickr account in order to share each other's best shots, and that's when the true artistry began to reveal. From Sue Patz's tactile Dahlia in black and white ("Susan's Favorite"), to Tim Davis's gorgeous-bokeh Hosta ("Summer Belle"), I knew I was dealing with a good combination of technical proficiency, photographic eye and great art sensibilities. I knew it was all worthwhile and even with the low attendance the great quality was outweighing the lack of participants. And it has payed off; in a short time I knew I had enough material for showing a contemporary exhibition of quality photography, second to none.

Bold, Simple, Daring and Flawless; my message along the journey. Be clear in your intention, remove what you don't need, try one different angle and make sure you get the basics right. I believe our first Cylburn Photo Walkers exhibition "Natural Exposures" represents these principles, whether as a whole, or as close-up inspection of individual works. Boldness in shapes, or color; simplicity in subject matter, or topic; audacity in composition, or focus; all in all: perfection in print!

Now I've come to see the value of group work and proof once again that great things in life are achieved when joining strengths, talents and sharing some "me times" once in a while. This January 13 is "our time." Congratulations to all!

"Natural Exposures: Cylburn by Photo Walkers" will take place from January 13 through February 24, 2012, at the Cylburn Arboretum Vollmer Center. Opening gala on January 13 at 6 p.m.

To view the wonderful works of this exhibition, please visit my photo website

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